
Showing posts from March, 2025

Rolling Stones Origami Tessellation

This original tessellation builds off of the concept of twisting triangles and/or rhombuses around a six sided pyramid. In this case I did open back hexagons with triangle twists and then added the pyramids with more triangle twists.  This results in the need for another shape off of the other three edges of the pyramids. It's an oblong rhombus. Instead of the typical rhombus, its edges span 1.5 pleats.  It's an intermediate tessellation . It's pretty straightforward, but I wouldn't call it easy simply because of the unusual rhombuses it uses.  Crease pattern is below.  Filed under: March 2025 Origami Tessellations

Curious Turtles Origami Tessellation

  This tessellation is kind of a funny story. I had reverse engineered how to fold 'Orbits' by gatheringfolds and had started to fold it. Without really thinking and not paying enough attention to what I was doing, I instead repeated only the first two layers of it.  I was half way through the fold before I realized that I had left out some of the steps.  This is the tessellation that came of that blunder. It's essentially her original design simplified to just two significant elements.  There are the small offset hexes with alternating front/back triangle twists and there are the open back hexes.  Like 'Orbits', it too is a symmetrical design that is a mirror image of itself on its opposite side.  I don't have a separate crease pattern. But to fold it, just use the one for ' Orbits ' and only use the elements in the lower right corner of the diagram.   Filed under: Match 2025 Origami Tessellations