Elevators Origami Flagstone Tessellation Design

Elevators Tessellation

 If you're a fan of flagstone tessellations, as I am, here's another one. Thsi one is trapezoids and rhombuses in a linear pattern. 

Trapezoids have all kinds of fun linear possibilities to ferret out. This is just one of so many, many possibilities. I could probably spend years just creating trapezoid based tessellations and not ever run out of options. 

This original tessellation is two trapezoids. One up and one down, then a rhombus. And repeat. 

Back view Elevators Tessellation

Triangle twists densely populate the back side. 

This is a difficult tessellation. All flagstones are at least somewhat difficult. They are also a lot of fun and very satisfying to complete. Yielding fascinating finished results. 

Crease pattern included. 

Crease pattern for Elevators Tessellation

Filed under: February 2025 Origami
This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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