Dancing with Yourself Origami Tessellation

Dancing with Yourself Tessellation

 This is a relatively simple tessellation that I recently created. The idea is six sided pyramids with rhombuses twisting off of all of the corners. 

Three are close together and connected by small natural triangles. Three are further apart and are connected by larger natural triangles. 

Finding a coherent  pattern in a tessellation such as this one can be daunting. All the folds can go in any direction. 

So, while it's pretty easy to just fold everything haphazardly, it's a little more of a challenge to come up with and execute a consisent pattern. 

But, there are no rules. It can be folded in any way you want. 

Crease pattern for Dancing with Yourself Tessellation

This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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