Cats in the Garden Tessellation


Cats in the Garden Origami

This is a twist based tessellation that uses some basic triangle twists to create a pretty intriguing pattern on the opposite side of the paper. 

A large hexagon is converted into the six triangle twists at the center. Then I add duos of triangles twists off of the axes. At that stage the pattern is repeated. 

The twist side is fiddly to work. I used basic printer paper, which is usually great for simple twist designs such as this one. However, in this case, the proximity of some of the folds would've benefited from a slightly sturdier stock. 

The good news is that the other side (first photo) turned out very nice. Some tessellations can be a little bipolar like that. Where one side is not that great, while the other is perfectly fine. 

Reverse view Cats in the Garden Tess

I actually conceived of this design as the second photo. Wanting to create a series of triangle twists with wings that created inner negative space triangles. That was how I envisioned the finished result. I still think it that side would be a cool tessellation if done with thicker paper.  Or perhaps it would benefit from a different kind of spacing. 

Something to try to work out another day. 

My crease pattern is included. 

Crease pattern for Cats in the Garden Tessellation

This has been an original post created by


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