Tilt a Whirl Origami Tessellation
This tessellation is based on a collapsed hexagon. I then use the flaps that result to make some overlapping triangle twists around it.
Repeating it was just a matter of adding enough space between the repetitions. As I repeated the central set of triangles around the hexes, I found that a larger hex collapse was needed in the gaps between the repeats. I still used the same pattern. Three are the same as the center and three are a larger version of it. That all being dependent upon how I spaced the second set of repeats.
Looking at my diagram, I think it could have been spaced one pleat closer together for a different result, but it was tricky enough the way it is.
I feel like I may have done this in the past, but I went looking for it and could not find a previous version.
It can be hard to find a specific tessellation that you might have done before when you've done so many. It's also entirely possible that I thought of it in the past, but wasn't able to complete it successfully the first time around.
I'm not sure if it's been done before by someone else. Maybe. Probably. It's nothing too ground breaking. But I like it a lot.
I have a certain affinity for shapes that tuck into one another. I don't know why. I just like it when I can find workable designs of that nature.
This tessellation is a little deceptive in that the main pattern is pretty simple, however, repeating it is much more difficult.
Completing the center will not be hard, but working out any additional iterations will be a challenge.
It was also rather difficult to get all the points and flaps to tuck and stay tucked the way I wanted them arranged.
It can be a never ending battle to get all the shapes and flaps to tuck exactly as you want them to for the final photo. I attempted several times to get everything just so and took many photos thinking I'd gotten it as I wanted. Only to realize, I'd still missed one tuck. Sigh.
Update: Got all the flaps tucked as I wanted and updated the main photo.
I named it after the carnival/boardwalk ride because that's the first thing that I thought of when I looked at the finished design.
Crease pattern below.
Filed under: December 2024 Tessellations