Intrepid Anchors Origami Tessellation

Intrepid Anchors Tessellation
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 I've been continuing to work on my twisting tessellation creativity. This is one that I particularly like. It's simple, yet complex. A great many tessellations are. 

It begins with open back hexagons and then I go on to add a triad of interconnected triangles. It was an unexpected discovery. 

Creating twist based tessellations are still a weak spot for me, but I occasionally hit upon something unexpected like this. 

Back view Intrepid anchors tess
design by

It's not too hard to fold. I'd say it's intermediate level. Upper intermediate though, because the triple sets of triangles are a little difficult to situate. 

I used regular printer paper because I've learned that tant paper is not well suited to twist based designs. Tant is great for collapses and flagstones, but most twists seem to respond better to a thinner paper. 

Crease pattern follows. 

Crease pattern for intrepid anchors origami tess
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Filed under: Origami Tessellations November 2024
This has been an original post created by


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