Solving Parker's Snowflakes Tessellation 2.0
solved by This is a tessellation by Ben Parker titled Snowflakes that I reverse engineered and folded about 4 years ago. I wanted to give it another try to see if I could work it a little better. And also to be able to create a crease pattern as I hadn't done so the first time around. When I first solved this tessellation I was still learning how to extrapolate the architecture behind already completed tessellations of other artists. I don't remember how easy or hard of a time I had back then, but I do remember that figuring out how to fold it taught me a lot. Funny thing about this tessellation, I had actually originally intended to refold a similar, but slightly different design by him called Hidden Treasure . For whatever reason, I must've gotten distracted and wound up doing snowflakes instead. Go figure. Once you understand either, the other is already solved. Ironically, I don't have the crease pattern...