
Showing posts from October, 2024

Lawnmowers Origami Tessellation

created by  This new tessellation is kind of the inverse of another tessellation I created not that long ago called 'Interstellar Transmissions' . That one was small hex and triangle stars surrounded by trapezoids. This new one is small hex and trapezoid stars connected by triangles. The geometry tends to work like that. Equal and opposite and so forth.  created by The trapezoids connect to the hexagons not along the grid lines, but rather by bisecting them. I call this an offset hex. I don't think that's an official term, but it does describe how the connections between the shapes work.  When I got to the edges, instead of simply following the pattern, I used the shapes that fit best to result in nicely finished ends.  This is a difficult tessellation . Lots of small shapes all tucked into one another.  I used 10 inch by 10 inch tant paper trimmed to a hexagon. A 32 pleat triangle grid. All folds. No cuts

Jet Engines Tessellation

created by This tessellation reminds me of ones I've solved by Arseniy K because of the way the shapes interact and layer upon each other. This particular tessellation, however, it is an original origami tessellation that was created by me.  Despite being the creator, I found this hard to execute. Everything is on top of each other. It's a difficult task to get it to actually work as envisioned.  It turned out pretty good considering I was kind of learning to fold it as I went. A second attempt would, no doubt, turn out better.  created by These kinds of intense tessellations rarely photograph as beautifully as the simpler ones. The light simply doesn't shine through because of the thick paper required and the multitude of layers. It's a great shame because these are some of the most extraordinary tessellations of all.  They require patience, perseverance and a deep understanding of all the nuances of va

Acute Angles Origami Tessellation

created by This is another twist based tessellation that I came up with while actively trying to work on my twist tessellation creation skills.  It's not too complicated, but it's a fairly nifty pattern.  Basically, it's rhombuses and natural triangles around open back hexagons. That then creates 1.5 triangles on the other side. This is the side where the magic of the pattern happens and you get that money shot that makes for a great picture.   created by This is an original tessellation that I recently designed and folded. It's a pretty easy tessellation to fold.  But I think the end result is very cool.  I'm not sure how easy or hard it is to reverse engineer . But you don't have to, if you don't want to. My diagram is available at the end of this post.  created by Filed under: October 2024 Origami Tessellations