Wheel of Fortune Tessellation

Wheel of Fortune Origami Tessellation
created by solvingorigamitessellations.com

 I actually conceived of this tessellation backside first. It was all about the overlapping triangle twists. 

This is the less dense version. I also have one that I came up with prior to this that is the same basic concept, but much more tightly packed. 

For this one, I changed the spacing from my original idea to make it less intense and this is the result. 

Thanks to the altered spacing this version photographs much nicer. 

I created simply by combining two different sizes of triangle twists overlapping around open back hexagons. 

But the really interesting pattern showed up on the other side. 

Reverse View Wheel of Fortune Original Tessellation
created by solvingorigamitessellations.com

I do have a diagram, I just need to upload it.  Will add that sometime soon.  Update: added crease pattern.

Crease Pattern for Wheel of Fortune Tessellation
created by solvingorigamitessellations.com

Used 28 lb. white printer paper and 32 crease triangle grid. 

This is a hard tessellation, if only because of the overlapping nature of the folds. 

Filed under: September 2024 Tessellations
This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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