Origami Tessellation: Any Way the Wind Blows
created by solvingorigamitessellations.com I've been attempting to expand my creativity in regards to my original origami tessellations . While I find it pretty easy to design new flagstone and collapse based tessellations, I do not so easily conceive of fully twist based ideas. Many of my ideas incorporate multiple techniques including twists. But exclusively twist based tessellations do not come as easily. So I have been experimenting with that. Trying to expand my repertoire. I've solved many twist based tessellations designed by other artists. This provides a good foundation. created by solvingorigamitessellations.com So, recently, I've created a few new models that are all twists. They're a little simpler than my usual modus operandi. Anyway the Wind Blows is an easy tessellation , but I figure if I hone that skill, I can soon expand to more complicated ideas with them as well. Some of it, I think, is just the nature of how a person thinks and perceive...