
Showing posts from September, 2024

Solving Bouquet Tessellation

solved and folded by  Another interesting origami tessellation by gatheringfolds. Utilizes an unusual shape. Looks like a house. But in origami/geometric terms it's an open back hexagon with the bottom sliced off. Or you could say it's a rectangle with an isosceles triangle on the top. Whichever way you wish to classify it, it ultimately means new possibilities for origami designs.  The center pattern didn't give me any trouble figuring it out. However, I did get blocked for a bit on how the small hex twists connected to the rest of the pattern. My stubbornness prevailed though. And after more time fiddling than I care to admit, I did come up with the solution. I really should have figured it out sooner than I did, but we all have off days.  solved and folded by The back side of the tessellation is exclusively small triangle twists. When I was stuck on how to connect the small hexes, I used the triangles on th

Stabbing the Crowns Origami Tessellation

an original tessellation by  This is an original tessellation idea that I had that I really like. It's somewhat complex and therefore difficult to fold.  This is my first attempt. While I was able to complete the design, it was not as successful as I would've liked.  I don't know if it was the weather or some other factor. But for whatever reason, the paper became very weak half way through folding it.  created by I had hoped to be able to re-orient some of the folds to create a more consistent design, but the paper was just too far gone by the time I'd gotten everything into place.  At some point, I would like to give it another go and see if I can execute it more to my satisfaction.  The idea itself, is one that I really like, so I figured that I'd share it now.  It's an intense array of trapezoids and triangles all collapsing into one another.  It's a lesson in expectations. Especially when

Wheel of Fortune Tessellation

created by  I actually conceived of this tessellation backside first. It was all about the overlapping triangle twists.  This is the less dense version. I also have one that I came up with prior to this that is the same basic concept, but much more tightly packed.  For this one, I changed the spacing from my original idea to make it less intense and this is the result.  Thanks to the altered spacing this version photographs much nicer.  I created simply by combining two different sizes of triangle twists overlapping around open back hexagons.  But the really interesting pattern showed up on the other side.  created by I do have a diagram, I just need to upload it.  Will add that sometime soon.  Update: added crease pattern. created by Used 28 lb. white printer paper and 32 crease triangle grid.  This is a hard tessellation , if only because of the overlapping nature of the folds.  Filed und

Taking a Walk Origami Tessellation  This one is a little bit different than my usual. It's got several different shapes all working in conjunction. There are open back hexagons, trapezoids, rhombuses, tall isosceles triangles and natural triangles.  Interestingly, there are no small triangle twists at all. Which is somewhat unusual.  It looked rather complicated when I mapped it out on the grid paper, but it wasn't that big of deal when I actually folded it.  It's an interesting study in how many different geometric shapes can be combined into a single cohesive origami tessellation.  I'd say it's an intermediate difficulty tessellation .  It uses both twist folds and collapse folds. There are a lot of creases and a lot to fold, but executing the folds is not too tricky.  I used 28 lb white printer paper and a 32 pleat triangle grid. My diagram is included for those that may want it.  Filed under: Septembe

Reverse Engineer Barnacles Tessellation It's been a little while since I've solved someone else's tessellation . So, I've worked on a few of those.  This first one is 'Barnacles' by gatheringfolds.  I kind of have a love/hate relationship with reverse engineering tessellations. It's fascinating, frustrating, and fulfilling.  This one in particular, gave me no trouble at all. As it shouldn't. It's not anything very tricky. Just some trapezoids around hexagons with a some open back triangles in the mix. I reverse engineer a lot of her tessellations because she always comes up with ideas very different from anything I would probably think up. She's a master of twist based designs. While I am pretty skilled with flagstones and collapse based tessellations, my twist skills could use some work. And the best way to improve is to learn from those who are more advanced. I also reverse engineered another tessellations of hers j