Rocket Ships Origami Tessellation

Filed under: Origami Tessellatons August 2024

Rocket Ships Tessellation
an original design created by

This tessellation is one that I kind of just made up on the fly.. I just thought to myself, trapezoids, lots of them tucked into each other.

I used an open back hexagon as the starting point. I alternated rhombuses and trapezoids around it. From there, I just let them repeat horizontally. 

I was also able to repeat the center quite easily using that pattern. 

It was just one of those fortunate ideas that arrives quickly and comes to fruition almost as rapidly. Those are always nice. 

The finished tessellation is an intimidating looking design. But I'd say it's upper intermediate skill level. 

Rocket Ships Origami Tessellation
an original design created by

I do have a diagram that I will add later.  But the design has no secrets. The architecture is all very obvious. 

If you're a fan of geometric origami, this tessellation will likely appeal to you a great deal. 

Crease pattern added below.

Crease Pattern for Rocket Ships Tessellations

This has been an original post created by


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