Lost Starships Tessellation

August 2024 Tessellations

Lost Starships Tessellation
Lost Starships Origami Tessellation created by solvingorigamitessellations.com

This an intermediate level tessellation. It's a pretty straight forward design, however, it yields a pretty interesting result.

I used some parallelograms in conjunction with open back hex twists. 

 Although the concept itself is not difficult to understand, some of the folds land kind of close together, making it just a little bit tricky. 

I used ordinary printer paper folded into a 32 pleat triangle grid and didn't have any issues with completing the tessellation successfully. 

This design is a good example of how just a few basic shapes can be brought together to make a really nice piece of geometric origami. 

Back View Lost Starships Tess
created by solvingorigamitessellations.com

The way the shapes seems to spin and interact with each other at unexpected angles made me think of star trek for some reason. So that's why I named it Lost Starships. 

The back view of the tessellation really helps to show the underlying structure even more. A few of the flaps on my hexagons are going in the wrong direction, but that's okay. 

Crease pattern for this one is below.

Crease Pattern for Lost Starships Origami Tessellation
created by solvingorigamitessellations.com

This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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