Eye of the Storm Tessellation


Eye of the Storm Origami Tessellation
Eye of the Storm by sovlingorigamitessellations.com

Here's a new flagstone origami tessellation that I recently designed and folded. 

It begins typically enough with an open back hexagon surrounded by trapezoids. From there, I create a progressive pattern of rhombuses and more trapezoids. The first array is one trapezoid and one rhombus. As the pattern moves out from the center an additional rhombus is added. This can continue on endlessly. 

Back View Eye of the Storm Tessellation

On the other side there are only triangles. Many, many triangles. 

This is a difficult tessellation, but not terribly so. 

It requires a lot of patience, in order to prepare all the creases and then to ease them into their final positions. But it is very much achievable. 

I will add my crease pattern in the near future. 

Updated to add crease pattern diagram. 

Diagram for Folding Eye of the Storm Tessellation

This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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