Solving Acute Angles Origami Tessellation

This tessellation was created as I was working on solving a tessellation by gatheringfolds. I had figured out her starting point and the central module. It was at that point that I got lazy and decided I would just do repeats of that. 

Later on, I did go back and did complete solving her full tessellation. I just haven't folded it yet. A post for another day!

Inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes, even laziness. 

The repetitions on the first side are just offset rhombuses when you strip it down to its essence. It is, however, a nice exercise in folding 1.5 grid shapes. Those shapes between 1 pleat and 2 pleats can be useful in many ways. They can be confusing when you first encounter them, but they're not so very different from any others. 

I like how neatly and tightly everything nestles together. 

The other side has some nice narrow arms with triangle twists on the ends.

I found those interesting as well, as they didn't quite twist in the usual way. 

As usual, I have the crease pattern, but still need to take a pic of it. Will add it soon. 

Update: crease pattern added at the bottom of this post. 

This has been an original post created by


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