Spiraling Origami Tessellaton

 Way back in January 2019 I created the pattern for the tessellation in this picture.

This is a refold of that. 

When I first did it, I failed to save a crease pattern.

As I was looking at the photo of the original I decided it would be worth folding again. 

For two main reasons. 

One, to have a saved crease pattern.

Two, to have a nicer photograph of the completed model. 

My phone back then did not have a great camera.

It's a bit of a strange feeling trying to solve your own design. 

On the one hand, I felt confident that if it was my mind that created it, surely that same mind could figure it out in reverse. 

On the other hand, I felt worried that if I couldn't figure it out that meant I was losing my origami mojo. 

Fortunately for me, my mojo remains intact for now. 

Honestly, it's not a very complicated design. It's just densely spaced. 

I'm a sucker for those closely nested repetitions.

This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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