High Density Hydrangea Origami Fold

 Recursive origami used to be something that I did on a regular basis. Long before I discovered origami tessellations, recursive origami was what I did. 

Recursive origami is similar to tessellations in that they're both a repeating pattern that can, in theory, go on infinitely. But while tessellations repeat along the x and y axes, recursive designs repeat along the z axis. 

Shuzo Fujimoto was a famous recursive origami designer. Some of his most famous creations are the clover and the hydrangea. 

Some origamists even took it a step further with what are known as high density recursive designs. Repeating the single layered model multiple times on a single sheet of paper. 

For some reason that I don't understand the technique for folding the hydrangea has stayed firmly planted in my brain. Even years later, I still remember all the steps. 

I also remember that it can be done at higher densities. I first encountered this idea at a website called. origamitutorials.com. But I had yet to attempt it until now.

It felt daunting, but I went with a 3x3 iteration. For 9 total individual instances on the single sheet of paper. 

By the time I'd collapsed the paper it was menacingly small. 

Still, as I pressed onward, it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be.

But I only did one level of repetition. It was too small after that to ever hope to go further. 

I did not do the finishing tucks on the edges of the petals. I also only technically did 5 hydrangeas and left the in between areas at a step below. 

I used ordinary printer paper trimmed to a 8.5 inch square. As I was folding, I got the feeling that some nice kami paper would've yielded a neater finished product. But I'm pleased with the final result. 

However, if you have plans to try it, opt for a better paper than I did.  

This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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