Reverse and Fold of Another Tessellation by 'GatheringFolds'

This is another reverse and fold which was originally conceived by 'gatheringfolds'. I forget what she called it. 

It was a pretty fun one. Not frustrating to figure. Not irritating to fold. 

The result: pretty darn cool looking for not a lot of effort. 

It works really well with ordinary paper on a 32 pleat grid. 

All triangles on the one side. 

Some open back hexes and rhombuses on the other. 

Personal choice which you think is the front and which you think is the back. 

The best part of tessellations is figuring them out for yourself. 

Successfully folding your result is also pretty rewarding. 

All these years of folding tessellations and I'm still amazed by what can be done with a single sheet of paper. 
This has been an original post created by


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