Rhombus Circus Origami Tessellation

So I came up with this tessellation pattern that I really like. I haven't seen it before. That always excites me. Unfortunately it just misses fitting on a 32 pleat grid with any full repetitions.

I tried using a 48 pleat grid, but my paper just wasn't sturdy enough.

I mapped it all out, but was only able to do the 32 pleat version with the paper that I currently have. . 

Some fancy elephant hide paper might be in my future. Depends on how much I obsess about it. 

It would also be really cool to see someone else fold it. If some industrious folder were so inclined. 

It's a pretty cool design. It's tricky to execute and a somewhat complicated pattern. 

The idea started with this single module. It came together rather easily. 

How to repeat it didn't come as quickly, but I eventually found it hiding there in the grid and was able to map it all out in detail. 

It was really disappointing however, to discover that I wouldn't be able to fold it in all its full repeat glory yet. 

Bigger paper. Better paper. I'm not sure. 

A partial crease pattern is shown below.

I've uploaded the full crease pattern it to my flickr feed also, so the full size image is available. 

This has been an original post created by SolvingOrigamiTessellations.com


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