Ryan's Tessellation Refold
I first saw Ryan's Tessellation by Christiane Bettens at the back of Eric Gjerde's Awe Inspiring Tessellations book. That was years ago.
I found a tutorial for folding it on flickr and was able to recreate it quite nicely.
I didn't have this blog at the time. I was still very new to origami tessellations. So I never documented the process.
I only took one pic that just sits in my google photos unused.
It's a circular series of triangles and rectangles around large hexes on the reverse side. The triangle points push under where they meet with the long edges of the rectangles.
I take several nice pics of both the front and the rear lit and unlit.
I neglected the back the first time around. It's just as interesting as the front really.
That first pic is actually the rear side back lit. I think that's my favorite.
Next is obviously the front back lit.
I also have front and back unlit.
Plus, I drew a really simple and easy to understand crease pattern for those who are interested.
